DS has a huge garbage bag of stuffed animals on the top shelf in his closet that he’s not ready to part with. I want to find a way for them to take up less space on the shelf. Maybe in space saver bags??
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DS has a huge garbage bag of stuffed animals on the top shelf in his closet that he’s not ready to part with. I want to find a way for them to take up less space on the shelf. Maybe in space saver bags??
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I think that's the only way you can keep all and make it take up less space.
If I can tie any stuffed animal in anyway to a holiday, it goes into storage with the holiday decorations. We have stuffed animals that make a once a year appearance at valentines, easter, st. patty's, christmas, etc. They're happy, get a couple of weeks of hugs and memories, then go away and it keeps the daily collection very manageable. But I really make any connection I can. My kids have fall birthdays so random stuffed animals their grandparents gave them for their birthdays when they were babies go in the fall box.
Update: I used the space saver bags and then put the bags in a big comforter storage bag - it’s a big square cube with handles, so I can move it off the shelf when I need to get to something. I know the bags will expand eventually, I’ll just keep sucking the air out or get new bags.
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If you’re not wedded to storing them on a shelf, consider the Boon bags for stuffies. You can gain a bean-bag type chair and store the stuffies. They come in lots of colors.
Boon Animal Bag Stuffed Animal Storage,Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004OR1DXI..._sMgzBbA554CF4
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We use Boon too! Love them!
That’s a good idea! DS already has a beanbag, and he wants to keep the stuffed animals, but not in sight, he’s 13.
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We have this bean bag for stuffed animals DS wants to keep. He didn't have one and it fits right in the corner of his room perfectly!
mom to DD1 (17), DD2 (14) and DS (9)