DD1 (age 8.5) recently underwent a full ADHD eval through the ADHD management center of the children's hospital, which confirmed the diagnosis of ADHD combined type and also provided a diagnosis of dyslexia. I have suspected dyslexia for a few years now but having the actual diagnosis with a breakdown of the areas in which she struggles has left me overwhelmed. She has not previously been identified in the classroom as needing a lot of pull-out reading support, just extra help now and then, and participation in small-group, in-class reading groups. She compensates well, apparently. In any case, I requested a meeting with her IEP team to provide them with the results of the report and discuss strategies and accommodations for the upcoming school year. Except I have no idea what to ask for other than what was recommended in the report. What specific strategies should be added to her IEP? What do I need to keep an eye out for, and how will I know if what the school suggests is a good idea? What type of research should I do before the meeting? I am fairly good at advocating for my kids but I really do feel lost with the dyslexia piece because reading was always so easy for me. I honestly have a hard time wrapping my head around it even though I know her brain is processing the information differently.