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  1. #1
    div_0305 is offline Platinum level (1000+ posts)
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    Default Stair lift advice

    I'm looking at having to move my parents into my house. I need a stair lift installed. Long Term care will help pay for it. Anyone research recently or have advice? Seems there is a choice between best value and best warranty--can't get both and not sure how often these break down. For something so $$ I'm shocked at the 12 month warranty on many of them.

  2. #2
    legaleagle is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Have you talked to any local companies that actually install? I know there is a robust second hand market for stair lifts as well. You may also want to look into getting an elevator - they can be relatively affordable depending on your house's architecture.

    Also check if there are any local programs that help pay for these - my county has a program where they will reimburse a certain amount for these kind of disability/age in place accommodations.
    Last edited by legaleagle; 08-20-2018 at 12:59 PM.

  3. #3
    div_0305 is offline Platinum level (1000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by legaleagle View Post
    Have you talked to any local companies that actually install? I know there is a robust second hand market for stair lifts as well. You may also want to look into getting an elevator - they can be relatively affordable depending on your house's architecture.

    Also check if there are any local programs that help pay for these - my county has a program where they will reimburse a certain amount for these kind of disability/age in place accommodations.
    I haven't talked with local companies yet. There are many sold secondhand around me, but I'd have to find someone to remove and install at my house. I have a curved staircase, so I don't know what I'd save paying the extra labor for secondhand and it might not even fit in the end. Plus, I'd probably get no warranty due to it being nontransferrable or already run out.

  4. #4
    JBaxter is offline Pink Diamond level (15,000+ posts)
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    I work for a company that sells stairlifts vertical platform lifts and residential elevators. Message me and I'll see if I can answer your questions for you.
    Jeana, Momma to 4 fantastic sons

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