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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by candaceb View Post
    This is an organization of professional organizers who specialize in hoarding. I tried Rochester NY and nothing came up (I just remember you live somewhere upstate) - but maybe there is someone closer to you.

    for anyone interested in senior move management, here is something I posted earlier:
    I have officially made a decision to move forward - I have an LLC (and a name!), and I've done the first part of the training. Now I'm trying to find the first two clients I need to get listed in the national directory.
    It’s really a needed service! Many elder services and other not-for-profits dedicated to seniors help with moves and selling all the stuff left behind, and many nursing homes or assisted living facilities have lists of approved vendors, but if I could have hired someone to take care of ALL those details when I moved my mom, I would have done it in a heartbeat!

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  2. #12
    niccig is offline Clean Sweep forum moderator
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    Default Pissy and I need to vent about my aging mother

    Late to this - I hope your mom’s arm has healed and she let you help.

    Regarding the hoarding, I posted over the summer about cleaning out my dad’s barn that had several decades worth of car parts, machinery, tools, and wood. It was a humongous task, but I’m glad we did it. Dad had no choice as needed it cleaned out for structural repairs due to termite damage from all the stored wood and inability to get in there and spray for termites. Dad hated it but i gave him his options: us, strangers I’d pay to do it or roof collapses and he loses everything. He reluctantly chose us. He couldn’t physically help so had to watch us sort things into trash, scrap metal, keep piles.

    From what I read, it’s best to tackle hoarding when that is all you’re dealing with. Many articles said to not wait until the person dies, which often happens, as you’re then dealing with grief as well. Cleaning out a hoarders home does cause anger and it’s difficult to deal with as it is. We also found treasures like Dad’s dog tags in a plastic grocery bag, so you do need to sort through things.

    DS and I helped mum get half the barn cleaned out, then my sister arrived a couple weeks later and she got most of the 2nd half completed with mum. Maybe you could tag team with your brother? Or split it up over several trips. It’s certainly not a fun thing to do, but it has to get done. I felt less stressed knowing it was done. I’ve already told DS the next visit over the Summer will be tackling the outside area behind the barn. Mum can’t do it alone.

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    Last edited by niccig; 11-12-2018 at 10:45 PM.

  3. #13
    wendibird22's Avatar
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    She’s heeling but it’s sooooo slow. It’s her right arm and she’s right handed so that’s been challenging for her. No driving. No lifting. So she’s really pretty much home bound.

    My schedule is such that I’ve only spent one weekend afternoon trying to do some cleaning out. An elderly neighbor learned of the hoarding and has been helping clean (he’s a widower and a kind man) and my dad has gone over quite a bit to clean out. And we’ve barely scratched the surface. Most of it is garbage...newspapers, catalogs, mail...but it’s just all mixed in with things that need to be saved or shredded so you can’t just toss it in the recycle bin without going through the piles. It’s physically and emotionally exhausting.

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    Mom to two amazing DDs ('07 & '09) and a fur baby.

    Gluten free since Nov '11 after non-celiac gluten sensitive diagnosis. Have had great improvement or total elimination of: migraines, bloating/distention, heartburn, cystic acne, canker sores, bleeding gums, eczema on elbows, dry skin and scalp, muscle cramps, PMS, hair loss, heart palpitations, fatigue. I'm amazed.

  4. #14
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    Just seeing this now and sending you hugs, wendibird22. That's a lot to take on, and I admire you for doing so much to help out.

  5. #15
    niccig is offline Clean Sweep forum moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by wendibird22 View Post
    She’s heeling but it’s sooooo slow. It’s her right arm and she’s right handed so that’s been challenging for her. No driving. No lifting. So she’s really pretty much home bound.

    My schedule is such that I’ve only spent one weekend afternoon trying to do some cleaning out. An elderly neighbor learned of the hoarding and has been helping clean (he’s a widower and a kind man) and my dad has gone over quite a bit to clean out. And we’ve barely scratched the surface. Most of it is garbage...newspapers, catalogs, mail...but it’s just all mixed in with things that need to be saved or shredded so you can’t just toss it in the recycle bin without going through the piles. It’s physically and emotionally exhausting.

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    I get it. It is exhausting to sort through all the stuff for the one thing that needs to be saved. We made a dent in my Dad's barn because we did several days of 10+ hours. Then I left and my sister arrived a few weeks later and she continued for 10 days or so. It was CRAZY making. So not an enjoyable family vacation. We still need to do outside the barn. DH wants to come on the next visit and I'm telling him no as he won't want to shift through all the junk on his few vacation days per year. t's got to get done though.

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