Quote Originally Posted by ang79 View Post
They have two water bowls in different locations and we refill at least each day, more if needed, with fresh water. I am considering getting a pet fountain, as that is supposed to increase drinking and I read that more water in her diet will help her urine PH at the correct level to stop new stones from forming.
My cats don't have bladder stone problems, but we did have a peeing problem with one, and they said her urine was very concentrated, so I started adding more water. We have always have a fountain, and I do need to refill it regularly, but rarely actually see either of them drinking from it. I wonder how much is lost to evaporation.
Anyway, I have buckets of water in my bathroom that I fill with shower water while it heats (takes 2 gallons to get hot, so I fill buckets to water the plants with) The cats are ALWAYS drinking out of these. I have not started leaving buckets elsewhere, but I have considered it just to encourage drinking! So definitely having water in different locations is good for the cats.