Hospice vs big interventions - when the end draws near
I’m so sorry your family is going through this. FIL had home hospice at the end. (He did go to the hospice center for a few days at one point, but he really wanted to die at home.). Hospice brought a hospital bed, a walker, and the nurse would help with pain meds. Everyone was amazingly nice and supportive. They have lots of resources for families.
ETA: we told our kids when we knew FIL was terminal. He ended up living about two mo longer than expected and ds1 (who was around 6 at the time) kept asking when FIL was going to die. Dd was 9 and understood better (sad but didn’t want to talk about it). FIL didn’t want the kids to see him at the end so he has said his good byes during his last burst of energy a couple of weeks before he passed.
Last edited by georgiegirl; 02-28-2019 at 12:55 AM.
DD (3/06)
DS1 (7/09)
DS2 (8/13)