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  1. #1
    wendibird22's Avatar
    wendibird22 is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    Default Stay on BCP or not?

    I’m 44 and have heavy periods for the past several years. On day 2 of my cycle I need to empty a Diva every 1-2 hrs. Sometimes day 3 is heavy too but then the rest of my cycle is fine. I mentioned this to my OB/GYN back in Nov and the fact that I had a Disney trip at Xmas, my period would be due, and there’s no way I could handle those crowds and lines and need a bathroom every few hrs. So she prescribed me a BCP. I’ve been on it since and while my periods are much much lighter and I appreciate that, I’ve also gained about 10lbs that I can’t seem to lose. All in my butt and thighs. DH has a V many years ago so I don’t need BC. Every month that I near the end of a pack I’m tempted to stop them and see if I can’t shake this weight back off. I’m only 5’2” on a good day so 10lbs shows. I also am leery of hormonal BCP when I don’t need it for its intended purpose. Should I stay on it or no?

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    Mom to two amazing DDs ('07 & '09) and a fur baby.

    Gluten free since Nov '11 after non-celiac gluten sensitive diagnosis. Have had great improvement or total elimination of: migraines, bloating/distention, heartburn, cystic acne, canker sores, bleeding gums, eczema on elbows, dry skin and scalp, muscle cramps, PMS, hair loss, heart palpitations, fatigue. I'm amazed.

  2. #2
    lovin2shop is offline Sapphire level (2000+ posts)
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    I have the Mirena IUD, and I absolutely love it. On my second one actually. It is a much lower dose of hormones and I don't get periods at all. The first few weeks, I had some spotting, but it was still a relief compared to the PMS and heavy periods that I was experiencing. I know some people have hormone problems on IUDs, but for me it is so much better than BCP's.

  3. #3
    SnuggleBuggles is offline Black Diamond level (25,000+ posts)
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    I wouldn't continue. I never liked BCPs anyway. I would have thought a Mirena would be a better bet if minimizing periods was your goal. If your trip and main need has passed, I would deal with the heavier periods or look into low dose BCPs (mini) or a Mirena.

  4. #4
    trcy is offline Ruby level (4000+ posts)
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    My periods were awful after DS, so I got the nexplanon implement. I have had it for about two years and have only had about two very light periods. I have had no issues with weight gain. That being said, if you don't need birth control and don't mind your periods, you probably shouldn't continue BCP.

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  5. #5
    wendibird22's Avatar
    wendibird22 is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    I wish I could do Mirena. Tried it after DD2 was born and spotted almost the entire 9 months I had it in.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Mom to two amazing DDs ('07 & '09) and a fur baby.

    Gluten free since Nov '11 after non-celiac gluten sensitive diagnosis. Have had great improvement or total elimination of: migraines, bloating/distention, heartburn, cystic acne, canker sores, bleeding gums, eczema on elbows, dry skin and scalp, muscle cramps, PMS, hair loss, heart palpitations, fatigue. I'm amazed.

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