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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    Default 2 year old shaky hands sometimes

    I’d really appreciate some advice and hopefully some reassurance.
    I sometimes notice that my 2 year old son hands shake very slightly when he’s eating or holding something. I noticed it first 6 months ago and since then have been so aware of it, I am always looking for it and it really scares me when I see it. I hadn’t noticed it for ages but today he had a temperature and I noticed it again and now I’m back watching for it constantly.
    He doesn’t do it always, just there he had dinner and was holding his fork and it was totally steady. But after dinner I noticed it once when he was holding something. I asked him to hold his hand out with the thing he was holding in it and then There was no shaje at all.
    I’m hoping that it’s jusy part of his fine motor skills developing and he’ll grow out of it but I am scared it could be something serious.
    I am a very anxious mum and anxiety often gets the better of me.
    Has Anyone’s baby donw this?
    I’d love to hear from you
    Thank you

  2. #2
    petesgirl is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    Feb 2011


    I would ask the pediatrician for a referral to a pediatric neurologist, just to look into it. That's the best way to get reassurance if it's nothing to worry about.
    Mama to :
    DS1 (July 2011)
    DD (Feb 2014-June 2015)
    DS2 (Apr 2017)

    "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...Until you climb inside his skin and walk around in it."
    --Atticus Finch (To Kill A Mockingbird)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Definitely get it checked. There’s a familial tremor that runs in my family. I don’t have it, and my children don’t seem to have it, but my mother, sister, and young cousin all do to varying degrees. It’s annoying but in no way health threatening. It could be something like that, but there’s no way to know unless you investigate.

    Sent from my iPhone using Baby Bargains

  4. #4
    jent's Avatar
    jent is offline Sapphire level (2000+ posts)
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    Get a video of it if you can, will help so much when talking to the ped or neurologist.
    Jen, mom to "Little Miss Tiny" 4/07

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