Our living room has a gold/bronze theme (mostly because of a glass and bronze coffee table). I need a corner cabinet in glass/maybe gold that can ideally be closed and used to show off knick knacks. I recently received a set of curios belonging to my grandpa (long story how) who was an avid traveler and had a collection of stuff from his visits around the world that would be really cool to display. None of it is very valuable but most of it is breakable, and knowing the steady stream of people in and out of our house (kids friends, babysitters, my friends kids ranging from 2-17) there is a good chance things will be picked/knocked/broken if they are just on a bookshelf style cabinet. On the other hand, if they are on a display cabinet behind a door, no one is likely to open that. I’m struggling to find something that is not heavy rustic looking wood so would love some suggestions