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  1. #1
    Mommy_Mea is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    Default No period but not menopause?

    My period went missing nearly a year ago after very very regular periods, always. I have had blood work done for menopause twice, and both times it didn't show I was in menopause. My doctor advises that I regularly have a period, and should take hormones or BCP to trigger. I haven't been on BCP for 15+ years because I am convinced it was the source of depression/anxiety. A friend mentioned research showing increased breast cancer with number of cycles in a lifetime, so I am a little wary of artificially inducing cycles.

    I am otherwise healthy (dealt with a parathyroid issue, but surgery was nearly a year ago).

    Anyone had experience with no period, but not menopause? Did your doctor recommend triggering regular cycles?
    DS1 June 2009
    DS2 June 2011

  2. #2
    mmsmom is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    I have not been tested for menopause but I have not had a period in a year. However, I have been on the pill you take everyday for 3 months so I used to only get a period 4x/year. Recently I have been traveling during the quarterly break so I have been taking continually so I would not get a period. The last 2 times I should have gotten a period I didn’t. My doctor has not been concerned at all and she also encourages taking the pill continually if you don’t want a period. I am 48. I would like to do one of the other BC options besides the daily pill but I am concerned I will end up with a monthly period again. I like being able to control it with the pill but I have not had any side effects from it.

    ETA: I have always heard it is fine to not have a period so I can’t imagine why your Doc would think it is important to have a regular cycle. Once you are past wanting to conceive I don’t think it matters. It can be an indicator of other issues but I don’t think you have to have a period to figure out what those issues could be.
    Last edited by mmsmom; 09-09-2019 at 02:17 PM.

  3. #3
    Percycat is offline Platinum level (1000+ posts)
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    I may have been similar. I wasn't having periods. I hadn't been going to ob/gyn, but a friend convinced me I still should.
    Blood tests indicated I was not in peri-menopause or menopause. The doctor did an ultra sound to measure the thickness of my lining and concluded it was too thick, which is apparently a cancer risk. I had a vaginal biopsy (which hurt) and the test was inconclusive. I had a D&C biopsy and there was no cancer. She prescribed progesterone (?) to force periods. It didn't always work. I decided to switch doctors (after about 2 years with the previous doctor) and the next doctor decided I was probably in menopause. I stopped taking the hormone and have never had a period again.

  4. #4
    Mommy_Mea is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    My doctor said something about needing to shed your lining, which made sense at the time, but doesn't so much the more I think about it. And if I am not having my period, am I even building up a lining?

    There are plenty of bcp that you get minimal periods or none as you mentioned. More to think about and look into, thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by mmsmom View Post
    I have not been tested for menopause but I have not had a period in a year. However, I have been on the pill you take everyday for 3 months so I used to only get a period 4x/year. Recently I have been traveling during the quarterly break so I have been taking continually so I would not get a period. The last 2 times I should have gotten a period I didn’t. My doctor has not been concerned at all and she also encourages taking the pill continually if you don’t want a period. I am 48. I would like to do one of the other BC options besides the daily pill but I am concerned I will end up with a monthly period again. I like being able to control it with the pill but I have not had any side effects from it.

    ETA: I have always heard it is fine to not have a period so I can’t imagine why your Doc would think it is important to have a regular cycle. Once you are past wanting to conceive I don’t think it matters. It can be an indicator of other issues but I don’t think you have to have a period to figure out what those issues could be.
    DS1 June 2009
    DS2 June 2011

  5. #5
    Mommy_Mea is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    Just prior to my periods stopping, I was having some spotting issues, so they did the testing on my lining and all was good. Maybe I should request it again, similar to your testing, and if it is negative just accept I am in menopause.

    Partially feeling out if I need a new gyn, so I really appreciate your input!
    Quote Originally Posted by Percycat View Post
    I may have been similar. I wasn't having periods. I hadn't been going to ob/gyn, but a friend convinced me I still should.
    Blood tests indicated I was not in peri-menopause or menopause. The doctor did an ultra sound to measure the thickness of my lining and concluded it was too thick, which is apparently a cancer risk. I had a vaginal biopsy (which hurt) and the test was inconclusive. I had a D&C biopsy and there was no cancer. She prescribed progesterone (?) to force periods. It didn't always work. I decided to switch doctors (after about 2 years with the previous doctor) and the next doctor decided I was probably in menopause. I stopped taking the hormone and have never had a period again.
    DS1 June 2009
    DS2 June 2011

  6. #6
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    How old are you?

  7. #7
    Mommy_Mea is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    I am 43.
    Quote Originally Posted by westwoodmom04 View Post
    How old are you?
    DS1 June 2009
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  8. #8
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    I think if your lining isn't too thick--why the "need" for a period. I think its important to make sure its not something else. Not sure what having a period "fixes"??? I have had a Mirena for almost 15 years now and don't have periods--whooo hoo. Maybe that's ok because the Mirena makes it so many women have thin to no linings. But you can BCP year round and not get a period. So I would want to know why I needed to have a period.
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  9. #9
    hbridge is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    If you go too long, you can hemorrhage when you have the next one. The longest I have gone between periods is 7 months and when it did arrive the cramping was excruciating, with VERY heavy bleeding, I could not function for about 24 hours. Definitely look into the period inducing hormones. It's been awhile, but if I remember correctly you take them and should get a period within two weeks. I don't think I would add regular birth control for missed periods. Definitely check with your doctor. There may even be a way for them to check the thickness of the uterus lining. However, please be careful when you do get a period, you don't want to lose too much blood!

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