Quote Originally Posted by lizzywednesday View Post
Well, we told her last night (4/6) and while it went better than we expected, it still caused rolling-on-the-floor tantrumming and, after an ENTIRE DAY WHERE SHE THREW CRUMPLED PAPER, NOTEBOOKS, AND HIGHLIGHTERS AT ME, a decision that I was suddenly her BFF and she wanted to be with me.

To which DH reacted as if I'd killed a puppy and drunk its blood by telling her to bug off because "we'd just laid some heavy news on her"

OK, so she noped out of school on Monday, but Oh, OK, sweetie, you can have your Switch and your tablet. (Great, she also has to SHOWER because SHE STINKS but Heaven forbid she misses social time with the b!tch kid down the street who's using relational aggression to manipulate her, but fine.)

She noped out of school on Tuesday, but, oh, OK sweetie, you can have your Switch and your tablet ... AND you can annoy your already frazzled mother with a DEMAND to cuddle, and oh, look how mean Mommy is rejecting you. (Um, no, but OK, fine, and when she's up half the night because you allowed video game time after 6pm and won't get up to eat, get dressed, and log into homeroom, YOU can handle mornings because I'm on strike.)

What else can we do? (Um, how about try ... PARENTING?)

Eff all of this.

Today, she's grounded, but I have to take her for a walk.
I have to answer her teachers' emails.
I have to get the phone calls from the school psychologist.
I have to pull teeth with the outside therapist who can't seem to figure out technology and scheduling so I CAN ACTUALLY GET MY KID TO AN APPOINTMENT WE VERBALLY AGREED ON EARLIER THAT WEEK because in-person stuff beyond medical/dental is outside our comfort zone.

And I am exhausted.
I am hurt.
And stop informing me that I have no friends, no skills, and no job.
I just want to give you a