I was working yesterday (I'm PRN so just fill in here and there) and another PRN person called the main person and casually mentioned how her family members - that she had been with for 4 hours unmasked the day before- tested positive for covid yesterday (rapid test, so she had been with them the day before their positive tests and I assume they were obviously symptomatic or why else get tested....) PRN person has been baking and stopped and dropped off some stuff for coworker. And then she is supposed to go to our workplace health in our home hospital (we are an outpatient imaging center affiliated with hospital but 30ish min away) to get her covid shot today. HELLO YOU IDIOT, if you spent four hours with someone who tested positive for covid YOU SHOULD BE HOME QUARANTINING.

I can't really get involved as I wasn't on the phone call and I don't have to work with her. (Generally if she's working I'm not and vice versa.) The health department is overwhelmed and may not catch up to her or if they do it may be day 10 or so. (When my kids were quarantined from school exposures I didn't hear from health dept until 10ish days later and I suspect that's mainly bc we have to--kids can't return to school without the letter giving their release dates,etc.) So this person is scheduled to work (with patients) Wed-Fri this week and here she is going on possibly exposing lots of people (she is kinda dumb so.....it may be ignorance.) I already told coworker that I can help fill in Thurs and Fri "if she's quarantined" but if she works Wed and possibly exposes everyone then I'm NOT then coming in Thurs/Fri and then risking being exposed/quarantined. I am tempted to point out to mutual coworker that if she works with her Wed and then PRN ends up positive in a few days, she'll end up quarantined too so she probably should tell her to call workplace health and make sure it's okay for her to work....but I'm also torn on not getting involved. This is freaking ridiculous and why I don't trust people anywhere- especially medical like this- at least until the majority is vaccinated! There are too many ignorant and willfully ignorant people being jerks out there.