I'm not sure I've ever encountered a website this slow. Definitely not since I was 15 and we were connecting via AOL at turtle speeds... I'm trying to buy snow tubing tickets at a tiny local place for my son's 7th birthday since we aren't doing a party. I have literally been trying to put 2 tickets into my cart and check out for an hour. Not counting the hour+ I spent in their virtual waiting room. At the end of which I was not actually able to buy tickets and had to start over. No waiting room the second time. It took me 5 attempts to get tickets into my cart. I am now midway through the 8 step checkout process. Each step of which loads a new page that takes somewhere between 2-5 minutes to load. If I don't get to actually buy my tickets at the end of this I am literally going to scream. Even though I'm actually working from my office today and several other people would hear me.