I feel like I can see multiple disasters unfolding in various parts of my life, but I'm screaming into the abyss and no one can hear me!

1) My grandmother fell again, was made non-weight bearing by her orthopedic surgeon, and went back to the nursing home. They put her in isolation again (even though she's been vaccinated for several months and she had to test negative before going) so now she's miserable. She's going to discharge herself and go home and fall again. She'll be 100 next week. Sending a 100 year old home alone, non weight bearing on one leg is insane. I'm not quite sure I could manage by myself non weight bearing, and I'm healthy and active and 41. No one is listening.

2) My uncle is renovating my grandmother's cabin (with her money). He's making some poor functional and aesthetic decisions. I'll likely inherit it someday. He's not listening one bit. It's not my money, and not my house, but being asked my opinion and then told I'm wrong (when I know I'm right!) is really annoying. It's not style stuff - it's stuff like "should we gut the whole house but leave a 20 year old formica backsplash?". No.

3) Our lawn is a mess. I asked my husband to get a quote to get the grass fixed. He came back with a quote for $2000 worth of mulch, no grass. Now says the grass doesn't need to be fixed, the kids can play in a mud pile all summer. Great.

4) EMR upgrades and new scheduling software at work that I am the physician liaison for. Computer people just assume I have no idea what I'm talking about. I suspect because I'm a woman. Waste hours' worth of meeting time telling me things I already know, then ignore me when I point out major issues. Gah!

5) So so so many patients headed for disaster and no way to stop it. This is chronic, and really just part of what I do, but still sad. So much of it is avoidable, really.

Some of these are bigger problems than others. But I just want someone, for once, to listen to me!!