Our state schools, once you count in room and board, are $25-$35K per year to attend. Are you in an area where the state schools are cheaper than that? If they are around the same price, you may find that private schools offer enough merit to match the public tuition. That would widen up your DS' choices.

Many colleges have net price calculators on their websites, some post their merit scholarship requirements, and you can also look on the CollegeConfidential website to get an idea of what past merit a college has offered.

DS researched the premed programs at all the schools he was most interested in. He asked about their premed advising programs, the number of students who start on the premed track vs the number who go on to a med school, and asked about premed opportunities for research and clinical work. This helped him get a good feel for what he wanted at a school. I think he also looked up schools on Reddit and found groups on there to get some insights from current students. This would be something your DS could look into once he identifies a few colleges that he's interested in.

I have two close family members who are doctors in their mid 30's, and they love their jobs. One works at a UC, and the other is at an innovate private practice. They've talked with my DS about their professions and he did adjust his plans a bit on their recommendations. He also has identified a backup career path and is not a biology major. So, we'll see what happens! It's hard that teenagers have to decide early on if they want to be on a premed track, to make sure they get in all the required courses.