Anyone ever suspected their children have these? I sometimes wonder about both DD and DS3. DS3 has had a pretty large workup through our insurance company and he does well at school. Still, he fights EVERYTHING we ask him to do. Always. Every time. It has never not been that way. Even if he LIKES something if I ask him to do it, he'll "fight" me for it. It is on my mind both because I listened to an ADDitude Magazine webinar about ODD recently but also because DH has been on Spring Break and has been in charge of the kids and he is just utterly frustrated that both of my littles fight EVERYTHING we ask them to do.
DS3 is generally in a good mood. He's highly sensitive and gets tired very easily but he's usually happy. He just fights anything we ask him to do almost just for the sake of saying no. He doesn't really qualify according to the DSM V criteria because of his good mood and lack of purposeful manipulation/vindicativeness, but I find it fascinating that this characteristic is so integral to his personality!
DD is a little different. When I looked up the criteria, I was stunned that she qualifies for it, unless she is diagnosed with DMDD. Looking at those criteria, she also seems to qualify for THAT except maybe everything that she has going on isn't quite severe enough? With proper mitigation we can "shut it down" pretty quickly by sending her to her room. Not a day goes by that she doesn't have a screaming fit over a small thing. But she also doesn't have full blown tantrums.
I'm curious to see anyone would mind explaining their experience with these disorders. I am trying to figure out our strategy going forward. My high risk family members are halfway vaccinated! So we are ready to move forward in our life, lol.