I had a craving for tempeh the other day, so I bought some at Trader Joe's to use in my foil packet lunch with Girl Scouts on Sunday.

Because DD wanted corn in her potato packet, I decided to try & create a taco-like marinade for my tempeh to complement the corn & rice I would be using in mine to not feel like I'd wastefully opened a bag of frozen corn kernels.

Anyway, I found a couple of suggestions online, but not early enough to also grab spices like smoked paprika (which Trader Joe's now carries and I'm adding to my list because, duh) or dried herbs like oregano (which I keep thinking we have, but what we ACTUALLY have is basil), so I riffed on those using what I had in the house. It came out OK, but still a little bland.

I'd like to expand my options because tempeh is cheap so even if I'm the only person eating it, I don't feel wasteful prepping stuff for myself, so if you have a favorite marinade or spice rub for neutral proteins like chicken, cod, tempeh, or tofu, please point me.