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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Default Overdue evaluation and transition

    I believe my son is overdue for a 3 year re-evaluation. It’s possible that one was “kinda sorta” done while we were in lockdown (fall 2020). Both his school and I had questions about it at our annual meeting this year (fall 2023). The school counselor said she’d look into it and get back with me, but that hasn’t happened yet.

    Currently, he is in his last year of elementary. My question is this: should we have one done now (if he is overdue), or would it be better to have one done next year when he is in a new school, working with different adults?


  2. #2
    georgiegirl is online now Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    If you like his current team and trust them, I’d have him reevaluated now (with people who know him and care about him.)

    I’m in a similar position with my 5th grader heading to middle school soon, and I’m completely freaking out about his transition. we are having his annual IEP in two weeks, but then in May, we have a transition meeting. This entire year, I’ve been making a mental list of things to add to his IEP that only pop up in a middle school setting. Middle school embodies pretty much everything he struggles with at school: loud chaotic environments, transitions, working with new teachers, being rushed, interacting with unknown people. Just typing this out is raising my blood pressure. DH thinks I’ll have to homeschool DS2.

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    DD (3/06)
    DS1 (7/09)
    DS2 (8/13)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014


    Sadly, I don’t really trust the current team. I can see how there might be a benefit to having a new team evaluate from “a middle school point of view”. I can also see the benefit of getting it done before this school year ends,

    DS is high ability, on the spectrum. He recently asked me about homeschooling (on three separate occasions). Good luck with your DS2!

  4. #4
    niccig is offline Clean Sweep forum moderator
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    Aug 2004

    Default Overdue evaluation and transition

    Look on your IEP paperwork for the date of the next evaluation. I know in some states an assessment with tests isn’t required every 3 years, but I think Parker would have to agree to that. School district policy can also come into play. In my district, policy is academics and related services like speech, OT, PT are evaluated every 3 years, but the psych doesn’t have to be included every 3 years. They can be skipped sometimes if there’s no question about eligibility, but I think they can only be skipped once then the next 3 year they have to do it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Baby Bargains
    Last edited by niccig; 01-14-2024 at 09:44 PM.

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