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  1. #31
    KpbS's Avatar
    KpbS is online now Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    I hope you can get your new sneakers very soon. Hugs

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Central Coast, CA


    You DESERVE so much better, your daughter is watching all this too. Like others said, you *are* already doing bulk of, if not ALL the parenting, keeping house and activities. What is HE giving you in terms of this marriage and support? Very little, I?d suspect.
    This 100%. We've seen over the years how much you do for your DD, despite your DH fighting you much of the way. I hope you're able to get the shoes you need and some respect, and a better path forward, either with or without him.
    ~ Dawn
    Our little monkey (4/2011) & his early holiday present 12/12

  3. #33
    MSWR0319 is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by SnuggleBuggles View Post
    I don?t have an income either. We have a joint everything and I never have to ask to spend money. We?re a family, a household and treat everything equally. Dh values what I do for the family (and community, through volunteering) and never questions things. I know other families handle money differently but you aren?t working, through no fault of yours, and you can?t be expected to function without access to the household?s money. I say divorce him and make him pay monthly alimony and child support ?but that?s just me.
    I'm late to the game, but couldn't agree with this more. I haven't had an income for 13 years and I don't have to ask to spend money. DH actually has to tell me to spend money on myself because I'm a tightwad by nature. There's no way you should be without shoes Lizzy. You deserve better!

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