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  1. #1
    ang79 is online now Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Default College reviews?

    Rising Senior DD1 is finally on board with the college search. We visited Dickinson last week and Susquehanna Uni. this week. There were things she liked and disliked about both. She is considering majoring in Chemistry and the ability to take some studies in Forensics, so is not looking for schools that have those Forensics courses. Dickinson does not, but Susquehanna has a Criminal Justice major that includes some Forensics courses. She also wants to tour Arcadia Universtiy and I have suggested McDaniel College as well. Does anyone have any experience or reviews with either of those schools?

    Since she is still a bit on the fence regarding major, I like the Liberal Arts schools so that she can explore a bit before having to declare a major. She also likes that the two schools we have visited so far have a Freshman Seminar course to help with the adjustment to college, and the size of those two schools, as well as the small class size and easy access to professors. She is hoping for some good merit aid as well, so that is also a driving factor in schools we are looking at. And she wants a campus that is close to a small college town.

    She had one Forensics course in HS that she really enjoyed, and she also liked her Chem course last year. I've been encouraging her to do a base science (Bio, Chem, or Bio Chem) as her major as I feel those would allow for a wider career pool and most forensic lab positions seem to require a science degree. But she also wants to explore actual forensics courses as well, to ensure she would like that type of work. I know there are a lot of large universities known for their forensic programs, but harder to find smaller schools with that as an option. If anyone has any other suggestions please share!

  2. #2
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    I had a friend who went to Dickinson and loved it.

    We encouraged small liberal arts colleges for all the reasons you mentioned and more. We liked the community, close relationships with professors, small classes, the collaborative vibe, professors wanting everyone to succeed (no weed-out courses), ability to explore and change majors (or even design your own.) We visited a ton of schools, and in the end, weather played a big factor.

    Have you looked at Muhlenberg? We know someone who goes there who likes it. They offer merit and have good science programs. Forensics will be trickier at smaller colleges though.

    Will she consider women?s colleges?

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    DD (3/06)
    DS1 (7/09)
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  3. #3
    ang79 is online now Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    I mentioned Muhlenberg, but again no forensics or criminal justice/criminology programs. Arcadia has a Forensic Investigations Minor, as well as a Criminology Major. They also have a FEPAC accredited Masters program in Forensics. I asked about an all woman's college because Cedercrest College is supposed to have a good accredited forensics program but she quickly said no to that. Waynesburg University has several options for forensics but I read somewhere that they have a lot of adjunt faculty, vs. full time faculty that are doing research with their students. McDaniel has a forensics minor and criminal justice as a major and minor. I know it is one of the schools from the book Colleges that Change Lives and appears to have had financial troubles in the past under a previous president, but seems to be doing better financially now and looks like they may give a lot of merit aid. Shepherd Universiety in WV is public but smaller and has that small college town feel. That was actually how she got interested in looking for schools that were connected with a small downtown area when we ate at some restaurants in Sheperdstown last year while in the area on vacation. I'm not 100% sure she will stick with Chem and Forensics, which is why the LAC schools seem like a better fit for her.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ang79 View Post
    I mentioned Muhlenberg, but again no forensics or criminal justice/criminology programs. Arcadia has a Forensic Investigations Minor, as well as a Criminology Major. They also have a FEPAC accredited Masters program in Forensics. I asked about an all woman's college because Cedercrest College is supposed to have a good accredited forensics program but she quickly said no to that. Waynesburg University has several options for forensics but I read somewhere that they have a lot of adjunt faculty, vs. full time faculty that are doing research with their students. McDaniel has a forensics minor and criminal justice as a major and minor. I know it is one of the schools from the book Colleges that Change Lives and appears to have had financial troubles in the past under a previous president, but seems to be doing better financially now and looks like they may give a lot of merit aid. Shepherd Universiety in WV is public but smaller and has that small college town feel. That was actually how she got interested in looking for schools that were connected with a small downtown area when we ate at some restaurants in Sheperdstown last year while in the area on vacation. I'm not 100% sure she will stick with Chem and Forensics, which is why the LAC schools seem like a better fit for her.
    Just be careful with some of these small schools. Check out Forbes for their financial health. And do a bunch of research to see if they are shutting down departments, replacing tenured professors with adjunct, cutting down in services. You will need to do a deep dive.

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    DD (3/06)
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  5. #5
    ang79 is online now Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by georgiegirl View Post
    Just be careful with some of these small schools. Check out Forbes for their financial health. And do a bunch of research to see if they are shutting down departments, replacing tenured professors with adjunct, cutting down in services. You will need to do a deep dive.

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    Yes, that is something I?m trying to research. The small Christian college my SIL attended recently announced they were closing, so that is something I am wary of! Other than Forbes list, any other places to find financial info on schools?

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  6. #6
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    Here is a website I've used to look at financial forecasts/health

  7. #7
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    University of Scranton has a good chemistry program including a forensic chemistry option. It is a nice Jesuit school with a good reputation. Small school, nice dorms (guaranteed for 4 yrs), excellent food. They also offer excellent merit aid (at times better than what is listed as available).
    Last edited by vludmilla; 3 Weeks Ago at 02:54 PM.
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