I'm thinking I might take DS (will be 11) on a trip next summer, just us. Last year I took him for a few days to Vermont where we tried out paddle boarding, toured Ben & Jerrys, and mostly just hung out at the pools at Smugglers Notch, which we both loved. This year I took DD to Minneapolis to watch gymnastics Olympic trials. And I thought I might continue alternating one on one trips with them.
We already do a family beach trip most years, and we already cruise to Bermuda or the Caribbean fairly regularly, so I'm thinking something different. We aren't opposed to spending time outdoors, but aren't really into things like hiking. It would be summer, so probably not Florida/Arizona/other super hot places.
So where would you go? Could be anywhere from a few nights up to maybe a week. Domestic or international, departing from New England. We would probably leave from Boston if we flew international, otherwise we would drive or take the train if it were up to ~8-10 hour drive, or would fly from smaller local airport.