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  1. #1
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    Apr 2013

    Default Where would you go?

    I'm thinking I might take DS (will be 11) on a trip next summer, just us. Last year I took him for a few days to Vermont where we tried out paddle boarding, toured Ben & Jerrys, and mostly just hung out at the pools at Smugglers Notch, which we both loved. This year I took DD to Minneapolis to watch gymnastics Olympic trials. And I thought I might continue alternating one on one trips with them.

    We already do a family beach trip most years, and we already cruise to Bermuda or the Caribbean fairly regularly, so I'm thinking something different. We aren't opposed to spending time outdoors, but aren't really into things like hiking. It would be summer, so probably not Florida/Arizona/other super hot places.

    So where would you go? Could be anywhere from a few nights up to maybe a week. Domestic or international, departing from New England. We would probably leave from Boston if we flew international, otherwise we would drive or take the train if it were up to ~8-10 hour drive, or would fly from smaller local airport.
    DS 2/14
    DD 8/17

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    I know 3 families who went to Iceland this summer with kids around that age and all of them had a great time.

  3. #3
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    Apr 2013


    Iceland is one of the places I am considering!

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    DS 2/14
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  4. #4
    SnuggleBuggles is offline Black Diamond level (25,000+ posts)
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    I love the Iceland idea but I think that I would save that for a full family trip because it just seems more special. I feel like everyone should get to experience it.

    NYC at that age is awesome.

    Coastal CA road trip, FL amusement parks, Seattle are my other ideas now. If he likes amusement parks and thrill rides- Cedar Point combined with maybe Cleveland (Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, sports events...) and Cuyahoga National Park or Hocking Hills for camping (or cabin, house...) and outdoors. Shenandoah National Park and things like the caverns nearby is an idea too.

  5. #5
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    NYC and Washington DC are also places I had thought of. Those are possibilities.

    We do Six Flags, etc. sometimes and he likes going, but isn't quite ready for the bigger roller coasters. If he ever does decide he loves them, I would absolutely do Cedar Point! I just can't make myself do Disney/etc. though.
    DS 2/14
    DD 8/17

  6. #6
    mom2binsd is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    If he likes baseball, maybe hit up a few places like San Diego/LA/Anaheim if the home schedules work out, in-between hit up a few spots, but make the MLB parks a hit (could also do ones in NY/Boston or Baltimore/DC etc, even Chicago x 2/Milwaukee).

    Does he like white water rafting? Find a fun place to do that.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by mom2binsd View Post
    If he likes baseball, maybe hit up a few places like San Diego/LA/Anaheim if the home schedules work out, in-between hit up a few spots, but make the MLB parks a hit (could also do ones in NY/Boston or Baltimore/DC etc, even Chicago x 2/Milwaukee).

    Does he like white water rafting? Find a fun place to do that.
    He isn?t a sports kid, but he might like white water rafting!

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  8. #8
    bnme is offline Sapphire level (2000+ posts)
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    If you want to do Vermont again you could do the bike trails in Stowe. There is also an amazing trail over LakeChamplain. guy-fun-vt

  9. #9
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    We also normally do a family beach / island cruise each year and this year I switched it up and we went on a cruise to Greenland and Iceland. We debarked in Reykjav?k and then stayed four more days to see even more before flying home. It was a great experience, and I am glad I did it with the kids. I would probably stick within the US with a single kid and look at international trips with the whole family.

  10. #10
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    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by lisa928 View Post
    We also normally do a family beach / island cruise each year and this year I switched it up and we went on a cruise to Greenland and Iceland. We debarked in Reykjav?k and then stayed four more days to see even more before flying home. It was a great experience, and I am glad I did it with the kids. I would probably stick within the US with a single kid and look at international trips with the whole family.
    My parents just did that cruise! I'll most likely stick within the US for budget and length of trip reasons. But I may also at some point take one or both kids to places DH doesn't really want to go.
    DS 2/14
    DD 8/17

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