Yikes, I’m sorry your relative is going through this. I don’t know if age makes a difference in how quickly one can change their cholesterol. Dd is 16 and is in a semi-professional ballet program, in other words, she’s very, very physically active. Two years ago she was diagnosed with high cholesterol and we saw a dietician to help her incorporate some healthy eating habits in her diet. She added more apples and carrots into her diets as snacks. Those were her biggest changes. She also eats a lot of frozen fruit as a late-night snack (instead of ice cream like her brothers). It took about 4-5 months and her blood test showed her cholesterol dropped just into high-normal levels.
My glucose levels have been hovering around 100 for the last 12 years. I should do more physical exercise but I eat a pretty healthy diet and maybe that’s why I’m still hovering around 100 instead of getting worse. My meals are typically fruit and yogurt for breakfast, salads or wraps with lean meats and seafood for lunch and something similar for dinner. I rarely drink alcohol. I mainly eat like this to feel better. I notice right away how crappy I feel when I eat too much sugar, alcohol or lots of carbs. I just can’t do it anymore.
" I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent." Mahatma Gandhi
"This is the ultimate weakness of violence: It multiplies evil and violence in the universe. It doesn't solve any problems." Martin Luther King, Jr.