Thank you all! I'm ok. We were finally allowed back home last night and power went back on about an hour after that. We were so fortunate not to lose anything but a fridge full of food (and unfortunately, several vials of insulin).
Loss mentioned
We have several CLOSE friends who lost their homes and a few others that have some damage. TWO of my mom's best support people lost their homes. One of my DD's best friends lost her home and they can't find her dog. I haven't told DD yet because she won't handle it well and we're still technically under evacuation warning so a tiny bit of threat remains. The other loss was the home of the oldest woman in our congregation--she's 96. My kid's school says that at least five families have lost their homes too.
It was SO FAST. And I was even home and still not prepared as much as I wish I had been. I will definitely make sure our Go bags are packed and ready. As it was, it was a little chaotic and crazy getting out of town. The road we live on is a tributary to getting up into the hills where the flames were worst so there was a lot of congestion of people leaving, lights being out (no power) and emergency vehicles of all kinds.
We're grateful to be home and safe for now. But we're still packed up and ready to leave if the winds pick up again. Feeling so sad for all the loss!