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  1. #1
    JustMe is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Default Shoes/inserts for wide/plantar fascitis feet

    I had this combo of foot problems for many years. I originally went to a couple of podiatrists, and they ordered custom orthotics, but I never felt they were great,they are not covered by my insurance, they wore out quickly, and I hated having to buy bigger shoes for the orthotics. I tried different brands of shoes recommended for this combo. Vionics and some other brands never worked for me. Merrells worked well, when I could find wide, but their arch support just isnt good enough anymore (they have changed the shoes,many complain about this). I have worn Kuru for a while, and they work pretty well, but they ware out in an extremely short time, especially given their price. I need new shoes and ordered Kurus out of desperation (not sure if I will keep them or not). I hear mixed things buy Good Feet gets mostly negative reviews here. Any other ideas?
    lucky single mom to 21 yr old dd and 18 yr old ds through 2 very different adoption routes

  2. #2
    gatorsmom is offline Pink Diamond level (15,000+ posts)
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    Well I have flat feet and have had plantar fasciitis a few times when I didn?t have good support. I have had good luck with these: And I?ve also really liked these: I think the Powerstep inserts were recommended here. I put this in my boots.

    I really, really love Fitflop brand shoes and sandals. They provide great support for my flat feet.

    Don?t forget that in addition to good support to do your toe yoga exercises daily! The exercise I found most helpful to clear up my plantar fasciitis was standing barefoot on a towel and gripping and scrunching the towel under my toes. Then release and do it again.
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  3. #3
    jgenie is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    I have flat feet and have had bad plantar fasciitis bouts. My biggest tip is to not walk around barefoot at all. I wear Oofos clogs or flip flops at home always. I can wear other shoes out and about but need to wear my Oofos at home or my plantar fasciitis will flare.

  4. #4
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    I've only had bad plantar fasciitis once but I swear by the stretching exercises I got from a PT and wearing the boot thing at night. Now if I feel a twinge of it, I'll start stretching and wear the boot for a few nights. That seems to do the trick. DD has almost flat feet and overpronates. She wears Superfeet inserts. Definitely agree with wearing supportive shoes at home.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by carolinamama View Post
    I've only had bad plantar fasciitis once but I swear by the stretching exercises I got from a PT and wearing the boot thing at night. Now if I feel a twinge of it, I'll start stretching and wear the boot for a few nights. That seems to do the trick. DD has almost flat feet and overpronates. She wears Superfeet inserts. Definitely agree with wearing supportive shoes at home.
    I also found the boot the only thing that helped.

  6. #6
    JustMe is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Thanks everyone! I wonder if I can just buy "the boot thing" on Amazon. I tried to post a link here, but somehow cant do it without showing my acct info.
    Last edited by JustMe; 4 Weeks Ago at 07:02 PM.
    lucky single mom to 21 yr old dd and 18 yr old ds through 2 very different adoption routes

  7. #7
    jgenie is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    My boot looks very similar to this one. I went to a pharmacy to be fitted but Amazon has free returns so you should be able to try out a few sizes to get the right fit. I went through my insurance. They paid a lot more than that for my boots.

  8. #8
    AnnieW625's Avatar
    AnnieW625 is offline Black Diamond level (25,000+ posts)
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    Another YMMV thing. I have plantar fasciitis and so far the best inserts for me are the Vionic Relief ones. I have 3/4 length ones for my ballet flats and finally got a pair of full length ones for my athletic shoes.

    I have tried a variety of shoe brands and ASICS GT1000 with the Vionic insole seem to be what works best for me. I still miss the original Brooks Addiction shoe (imho they havent been the same since 2017), but so far I think I have to stick with the ASICS (even though they wear out in six months or so with me and I maybe only walk 20 miles a week (in a semi hilly terrain) but my feet arent in pain when I wear them.

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  9. #9
    JustMe is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Thanks so much for the info! I tried Vionics shoes and inserts years ago when recommended on this board, but yes different things work for different people as they did not work well for me. I also strongly dislike the multiple inserts I have tried, so think I will try the boots next; my pain is not that bad as long as I pay attention and do something when I start to feel an increase.
    lucky single mom to 21 yr old dd and 18 yr old ds through 2 very different adoption routes

  10. #10
    Percycat is online now Platinum level (1000+ posts)
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    I have had plantar fasciitis a couple times. I went to a podiatrist for help the first and 2nd time, but now manage and prevent it on my own.

    I purchased a spint on amazon:

    It takes awhile to get used to sleeping with it. If I'm dealing with an issue, I often wear it at home when I'm not sleeping -- like when we watch TV. Its not a boot, so really can't walk in it.

    I regularly stretch -- you can find exercises. I particularly like ones that also lengthen my calves -- like dropping your ancle down on a step. I also regularly squeeze my toes around an imaginary ball. And I like to draw the alphabet with my feet -- this is really an amazing stretch for so many little area around your ankle, foot and calf.

    I like to run and wear inserts in my shoes. I have several green superfeet arch supports. You cut these to fit the sizeof your shoe -- remove the shoe liner and replace with the superfeet insole. I wear these in my running shoes, hiking boots, and water shoes. They last longer than shoes --- I remove them from the old shoe and put them in my new shoe.

    I have also purchased DRX orthotics for some of my dress shoes that wouldn't accomodate superfeet when I had a very bad bout of plantar fasciiatist--- but now I just make sure I have good shoes and take care of my feet when I start to fee pain.

    I buy shoes with good arch supports. My current work shoes are Dansko. There is a store in my town that has credential pedorthist to help people find appropriate footwear to address differnt problems. Maybe your town has an independant store that has staff to help customers pick appropriate shoes.

    Good shoes and/or adding arch supports gets costly. But, when I wear good shoes, I don't have pain. And, the good shoes las a really long time.

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