Shoes/inserts for wide/plantar fascitis feet
I had this combo of foot problems for many years. I originally went to a couple of podiatrists, and they ordered custom orthotics, but I never felt they were great,they are not covered by my insurance, they wore out quickly, and I hated having to buy bigger shoes for the orthotics. I tried different brands of shoes recommended for this combo. Vionics and some other brands never worked for me. Merrells worked well, when I could find wide, but their arch support just isnt good enough anymore (they have changed the shoes,many complain about this). I have worn Kuru for a while, and they work pretty well, but they ware out in an extremely short time, especially given their price. I need new shoes and ordered Kurus out of desperation (not sure if I will keep them or not). I hear mixed things buy Good Feet gets mostly negative reviews here. Any other ideas?
lucky single mom to 21 yr old dd and 18 yr old ds through 2 very different adoption routes