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  1. #1
    MSWR0319 is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Default Defensive Driving Class

    A long time ago there was discussion of teen defensive driving classes, and I remember thinking that would be a great idea when DS got his license. I've googled and am not finding many options. Has anyone had their kid take a class? Are there certain key words I should google other than 'teen defensive driving class." Maybe they aren't a thing anymore, but thought I'd see if anyone's child has gone through one, or if anyone knew where I could look to see if there is one around us.

  2. #2
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    This is the one I know of. We've never done it but the feedback has been positive from friends who have.
    Mom to Two Wild and Crazy Boys and One Sweet Baby Girl

  3. #3
    gatorsmom is offline Pink Diamond level (15,000+ posts)
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    There is one put on locally by volunteers from our hospital system and emergency services. Ds1 went to it 5 years ago and loved it. Since then we’ve sent all our kids through. The twins did their defensive driving clinic last fall. It’s a day-long class where volunteers teach the kids how to control their car during difficult driving situations. They are shown videos of accidents and told how to avoid them and had all the accident statistics drilled home to them again. The parking lot is actually actually sprayed down with a fire truck hose and then soap suds are poured all over it to mimic slippery driving conditions.

    All my kids loved it and have credited it with being more defensive and confident drivers. I hope you can find one in your area. I’d call the DMV, police or fire department to ask if they know of one being offered near you.
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  4. #4
    LBW is online now Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    I can highly recommend the Street Survival course sponsored by Tire Rack. My husband was an instructor for our local BMW club, and my oldest participated in the school after he got his license. I will be signing my youngest up for the next class this spring. We are in NJ and they have a couple of classes each year, but they are not listed yet on the website, so reach out to Tire Rack if you do not see anything near you.
    Last edited by LBW; 4 Weeks Ago at 08:13 PM.

  5. #5
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    For the one is our area the key word is crash prevention. I wanted ds who is in college to take it when he was home on break since he is a new driver but his schedule was a bit erratic and his break is shorter than most. . Heard it was really good and helpful.

  6. #6
    KrisM is offline Clean Sweep forum moderator
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    DD took one from this summer and thought it was very good. Some basic car info, how to talk with police and plenty of situation driving for sliding, wet roads, fast stopping, etc. She gained confidence too.

  7. #7
    mmsmom is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by carolinamama View Post
    This is the one I know of. We've never done it but the feedback has been positive from friends who have.
    We did this one. It is free ($100 to hold reserve spot which you can then donate or get refunded). It’s classroom instruction and then driving scenarios in Kia cars (Kia is sponsor). They have stations for parents as well and parents also get to do some of the driving scenarios.

  8. #8
    WatchingThemGrow is offline Blue Diamond level (20,000+ posts)
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    We also did B.R.A.K.E.S. and found it really engaging and helpful.

    I think DS1 liked it so much he was imagining it as something he'd put on his common app, lol. I am hoping he will volunteer with it this summer.

  9. #9
    chlobo is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacksmomtobe View Post
    For the one is our area the key word is crash prevention. I wanted ds who is in college to take it when he was home on break since he is a new driver but his schedule was a bit erratic and his break is shorter than most. . Heard it was really good and helpful.
    Our police department offered 6 vouchers to new drivers to take this course. I signed up for one for DS who is 17. He'll take in the spring. I hope its good.

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