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  1. #11
    Globetrotter is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    As long as you keep your expectations in check, it is doable. As other people have said, it can vary from day-to-day. I used to think my hair was wavy, but it?s actually quite curly. You might have a similar experience.
    I found out that my hair is low porosity, so the original curly girl method led to product buildup. I now use sulfate free shampoos, and once in a while I use a clarifying shampoo, with or without sulfates, to get rid of the buildup.
    I would just keep it simple at first, maybe with a leave in (technique matters- look up wavy tutorials on IG) and gel. Put it up on top of your head at night, ideally in a satin bonnet.
    My hair has become so thin that I value the texture that my curls give me. Years ago I had it straightened once after a haircut and I looked like I had almost no hair!

  2. #12
    wendibird22's Avatar
    wendibird22 is online now Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    I'm on this journey as well. After a lifetime of short pixie cuts and chin length bobs that I blew out and flat ironed, I've discovered my hair is quite wavy/curly. I'm still exploring which products works best. I have low porosity hair for sure so finding products that moisturize and control without build up has been the biggest challenge. So far for inexpensive grocery store lines, I've had the best luck with Not Your Mothers line...the gel and curl cream in particular. I just purchased two products from Curlsmith that are okay (a leave in conditioner and a curl creme balm) but I think too weighty for my hair so I may return them to Ulta.

    ETA: Many of the higher end product lines have quizzes to help you determine your hair type and recommend products. Curlsmith has such a quiz. That may be a good starting point.
    Last edited by wendibird22; 3 Weeks Ago at 11:19 AM.
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  3. #13
    WatchingThemGrow is offline Blue Diamond level (20,000+ posts)
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    I'm a "wearing it wavy since the pandemic" girl b/c we couldn't do color back then. Mine is brown with gray underneath, about chin length. A "curly cut" done dry is good, but only if I follow it up with: a good conditioner, a wide-tooth comb in the shower, no terrycloth toweling, wrapping it inside one of DH's old LLBean cotton tees, a dollop of Ouidad's Advanced Humidity Control Gel, and a bit of diffusing. Clipping it up gives better volume, and adding another gel does wonders too, but those are infrequent.

  4. #14
    AnnieW625's Avatar
    AnnieW625 is offline Black Diamond level (25,000+ posts)
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    One other thing to consider OP is the porosity of your hair. I fell into this rabbit hole in the last week and realized based on all of the products I have tried for CGM they don?t work well because my hair is considered low porosity. Last week I washed/conditioned my hair like normal and then thought I would try the Deva Curl Plumping Primer, and Spray Gel I had bought in 2022 (when I ran out of my old products) plus my Color Wow spray and air dried my hair in the microfiber towel/slept with it in a microfiber scrunchie on top of my head, and low and behold the next morning after a few hours it was flat, underwhelming and my hair felt like straw for the next four days. The only time it felt like maybe it would hold some curl was when I woke up a night or two later with night sweats; that didn?t really work either. I washed my hair yesterday with my normal shampoo/conditioner and just used BB Invisible Oil spray, and the Color Wow spray and blow dried with the Air Wrap brush and my hair is so much better. It feels clean, soft, and healthy even though I did blow dry it yesterday.

    I did end up ordering some Amika shampoo/conditioner based on their hair quiz (my stylist uses that brand at the salon) so we will see how that goes.

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