My boys have always been on block scheduling for high school. There are pros and cons but overall, I think the pros outweigh the cons.
* It's easier for kids to focus on 4 classes at a time, especially those with any executive functioning challenges
* Kids can double up on classes, for example 2 math classes in a year or 2 languages. DS1 finished 4 years of language before he was a junior, DS2 is taking Spanish I and II this year
* Fitting in more classes - maybe it's just perception but it's easier to take several sciences/histories per year. This is how DS1 took multiple honors and then AP sciences when I hear of others trying to figure out which is the best option vs just taking them all
* AP tests are months out for fall classes. The vast majority of our AP classes run by the semester, not year. Our high school teachers combat this somewhat by holding review sessions before/after school, maybe even during lunch. DS1 was really "chill" about his AP exams so this didn't stress him but it probably leads to more work for others.
* Math - you can go a full year without a math class. Honestly, this is really the only speed bump DS1 felt but Covid also affected his learning during those years so maybe it wouldn't have been such a hit otherwise
* Unbalanced schedule - it happens for sure but with only having 4 classes at a time, it isn't terrible.
If your DS wants to stay in music, I'm sure it's doable. He will still have 6 slots for academic classes and it's good for them to do something enjoyable. DS1 was a high stats kid, took mostly APs by his junior year but also took a PE class each semester junior and senior year (2 per year). He had a total of 6 PE classes at graduation. Competitive college acceptances were not a problem and music looks much better than PE.
ETA: if you are coming from an A day/B day school this won't be a change, but having longer class periods means less time in transition. There is usually time at the end of class for assignments or studying so less homework.
Last edited by carolinamama; 3 Weeks Ago at 11:09 AM.
Mom to Two Wild and Crazy Boys and One Sweet Baby Girl