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  1. #11
    georgiegirl is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by athompson View Post
    Absolutely agree, I'm just nervous about it being just two of them. If there were 3-4, I'd be fine with it. They are incredibly independent and have already mapped out a plan for the three weeks, I was just hoping to offer up other options that they could consider.
    It will be better to go without a tour. When DD went (last summer at 18 with her BFF), I had a shared google map saved with every town they went to and I marked all the sights they should see, along with food recommendations. But keep in mind they went to Italy and I lived there for my year abroad and while doing graduate research. The other mom and I scared them about pickpockets so they were very aware of that danger. We made sure we had a shared document with all their passports on it in case anything happened. I studied abroad and traveled alone, so I guess I wasn?t that bothered by it. They will be fine

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    DD (3/06)
    DS1 (7/09)
    DS2 (8/13)

  2. #12
    mom2binsd is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    I traveled Europe with 3 girlfriends for 3 weeks, we were 18-21. We got a Interail pass and stayed at hotels and with some families (we had met them at a conference through the Y's men's international conference). This was in 1986, no internet or cell phones.

    If they are at all comfortable traveling, using trains and they plan it out, I know plenty of kids that age who travel on their own.

    Sent from my SM-S928U using Tapatalk

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