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Thread: Ap Physics

  1. #31
    MSWR0319 is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by hbridge View Post
    WOW, there are a lot of AP classes available. DC's high school did not offer any, the kids went to a community college for advanced classes and college credits. I LOVED my physics class in high school. The teacher was horrible, but the class was great. It is heartbreaking to think a school would ONLY offer physics as an AP class, not enabling more students to learn.

    However, posts like these remind me that DC did not have a chance at the elite college they applied to. Their amazing grades at their alternative high school, incredible self-directed community involvement project, and college classes could never compete with the multitude of AP classes and other opportunities available at larger high schools. Honestly, it shows just how important a large rigorous high school is and how at a disadvantage those are who don't have the same opportunities. My DC is living their best life and loving their college experience, it is just interesting to hear about what is available at larger schools and how much college admissions is based on those opportunities.
    My understanding is that you are compared to others in your high school, not people from other schools. Our school only offers 3 AP classes. Two regularly, with AP physics only being offered if enough people request it. We've had one person get into UMich with each graduating class the last few years, so I do think it's possible coming from small schools but very, very hard regardless of where you come from.

  2. #32
    ged is offline Gold level (500+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by wencit View Post
    When you say "biotech," are you referring to something similar to bioengineering? Or are you referring to the PLTW biomedical science curriculum? If it's bioengineering, then yeah, she's definitely going to have to take AP Physics, especially for one of the UC schools (maybe not Merced). Your kid is going to be compared to the other students at her high school, so if AP Physics is offered and she doesn't take it, then it will be difficult for her.
    Not sure honestly. This is a new school for us and still figuring out their classes. And for sure - UC schools are a far reach for her at this point. My older daughter (who took Physics, lol) applied to 4 UCs and only got into UCSC (not counting Riverside and Merced offers). She is attending an out of state SLAC.

  3. #33
    hbridge is online now Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by MSWR0319 View Post
    My understanding is that you are compared to others in your high school, not people from other schools. Our school only offers 3 AP classes. Two regularly, with AP physics only being offered if enough people request it. We've had one person get into UMich with each graduating class the last few years, so I do think it's possible coming from small schools but very, very hard regardless of where you come from.
    It is very hard to get into more elite schools from smaller schools. DC went to an amazing alternative school, graduated at the top of the class (of 18 students), was one of only two in their class in the honor society, took college classes Junior and Senior year, found a gap in society and spent three years filling that space... When they applied to two very elite colleges, we let DC know their chances were slim anyway, but with their background to realize that it is extremely unlikely to happen. Students from this school do NOT attend elite colleges because there is no way to compare them to other students, they just cannot get in. DC was even more frustrated because they had hoped to transfer to a larger more competitive environment for Junior and Senior year of high school, but COVID made that impossible.

    Just another reminder that there are many students that do not get the opportunities afforded to those at larger HCOL high schools.

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